Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dear William (32 months)

Dear William,

Today you are 32 months old!

We had the warmest March on record, which makes me nervous for the future of the planet, but allowed for us to spend some nice days outside in the meantime.

You got a boo-boo while running around and tripping on your feet:

Boo boo


You ate lunch with your sunglasses on:


Cool lunch


You ate a Clif Bar in the back yard:

Back yard Clif Bar


You went hiking with your dad:

Boys hiking


You directed traffic on the sidewalk:


Directing traffic


You spent some time reading with the family:



You spent some time reading alone:

Following along


You spent some time playing with Mama Monkey and Baby Monkey

IMG 0686



You went to a Pow Wow with your mom.





You sing a lot of songs, William, including Elmo's World.


We all had a great time this month, William!  We are looking forward to more great things to come.


Your mom


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear William, you are such a big boy now!! I always LOVE reading about all the FUN ADVENTURES you do with mama and daddy!!!!!!!! I REALLLLLLY LOVE hearing you sing , you are very good!!!!!! May this next month be filled with great fun and surprises!!!!!! keep smiling, we miss you and love you very very much!!!! hugs~~~ paw paw and maw maw nan