Tuesday, October 6, 2015

September 2015 Mileage: The Best and Worst of Times Again

No big fancy post this time.

My old tibia and calf injury bothered me most of the month, particularly after my 72 mile peak training week (which, coincidentally, is the farthest I have ever run in a week).

I managed to meet Emilie Forsberg:

The best of times

And run the Bear Chase 50 Miler (faster than I have ever before run 50 miles):
The best of times again.  Quickly to be followed by the worst of times.

But it was not without repercussion.  It has been 10 days since the race and no amount of ice, ibuprofin, stretching, KT tape, or foam rolling can do away with the feeling that my entire lower left leg has been pounded with a metal baseball bat.  I just tried to run for the first time today at a school event with Will, and it did not go well.

185.06 miles this month. 1264.43 year to date.  That leaves me 235.57 away from my annual goal of 1500.  It should be a piece of cake to run that far in the 3 months that remain, but if 10 days of complete rest did nothing for this tibia, I'm not sure if it will be possible.  The time when I am handling this injury calmly has ended.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Hey Melissa,

How do you create your running mileage calendars? Is it part of some sort of app?

