Monday, September 12, 2016

Dear William (85 months)

Dear William,
Today you are 85 months old!

We had a belated birthday party for you at the neighborhood pool.  You asked me to make you a Smurf cake, and you and your BFF Liam drew me diagrams of how it was supposed to look.  I did the best I could and when you saw it you hugged me tight and said, "Oh thank you, Mommy, that is just exactly how I wanted!"

It was your idea to place Clumsy Smurf upside down in the pond.

Waiting for the guests to arrive.

A video posted by Rob Raguet-Schofield (@sexyhermit) on

You hiked Towers for the first time this month.  That's 7 miles and 1,700 feet of elevation gain (and loss). It took about 4 hours, and you never complained.  Training for The Barkley.

At the top of Towers!!!!!

A photo posted by Rob Raguet-Schofield (@sexyhermit) on

A photo posted by Rob Raguet-Schofield (@sexyhermit) on

We took another trip to Telluride over Labor Day weekend, just because we wanted to see it again.

Telluride Town Park looks a little different without Hardrock going on.
Training for The Barkley at 8,500 feet.

We did some light hiking on the Bridal Veil Falls trail.  It rained for part of the time, but you didn't complain.

You were being Goofy McGooferson

The leaves were already starting to turn.

We happened to be there during the weekend they were having a film festival. We saw Tom Hanks.  You heard his voice and your face lit up and you said, "Woody!"

You know, Woody-- from Toy Story 1, 2, and 3.

Daddy always finds us the most interesting, beautiful places to camp.

We did some light homeschooling in the van.  William, you are dyslexic, but that isn't going to stop you from doing whatever you want to do in life.

Dyslexia Warrior.  I will never forgive the education system for what it has put you through.  Dyslexia is a real thing. You have it. And you are fantastic--don't ever let anybody make you feel otherwise. 

We visited Colorado National Monument on the way home.

 You drew me a picture.  I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

"Look, Mama," you said, "I drew you a picture! It's me, as the Little Prince, on B612!"

You ran a kid's race at Lory State Park.
Race Director explaining the course. He's not always dressed as a black squirrel, just for special occasions. 

You decided you wanted Daddy to run with you, even though he had already run and placed 5th overall in the half marathon.

You were the third place finisher.  You ran a 9:05 mile on rolling terrain, and when you finished you said, "I could have run faster if there was more downhill."  There was a little girl who finished 5 seconds in front of you, and you'd been trying to pass her for about half the race.  She would move to block you from getting around her every single time.  She was very intent on not letting you pass.  You were frustrated.  I understand, William.  I understand so much.  That's how life is.  Sometimes it sucks and is not fair and people or things get in the way and knock you down or hold you back.  Sometimes you work ten times as hard as everybody else only to get half as far along.  I wish it wasn't that way, but it is.  I don't have the answers.  All I know is that the only thing we can do is just keep running.

I am so, so thankful that I get to be your mom.

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DEAR SWEET WILLIAM! WHAT An EXCITING month you had! lots of birthday celebrations to welcme in NUMBER 7!!! We are sooooooo PROUD of you and wish we were closer to watch you achieve so many new and exciting adventures!! The pictures are amazing ! The scenery is awesome!!!!! You are an achiever in every way!!! In spite of the obstacles, and the broken education system, we know you will achieve your dreams!!! even the BARKLEY if you so choose!! Never give up , stay positive and always STAY GOLDEN!!!! we LOVE you and will always be in your corner supporting and cheering for you!! HUGS and LUV~~ pawpaw and grama nan