Dear William,
Yesterday you turned 62 months old. I’m a day late posting this. That’s never happened before.
We started the month off with a family trip over to Rocky Mountain National Park to see some foliage and snow covered peaks.
You took a picture of mom and dad.
We did some light bouldering.
You liked bouldering so much that your dad took you around town a few times to go bouldering again.
In addition to bouldering, this month you also enjoyed attending a fundraiser that your school had at a local roller rink. You refused to even try skating, though you did find you had a certain talent at ski ball.
One of the biggest events of your life thus far was your school’s walk-a-thon. You were very excited about this. You had no idea what it was. You were given a t-shirt and you took off running. You did 8 laps (2 miles) in 30 minutes. There was only one other kid in kindergarden who went farther than you. You convinced me to run a few laps with you (even though I had an injured tibia and a trail race the next day). I was so proud when you crossed the finish line. I actually cried.
This was a big change from a a few weeks earlier, when you entered the kid’s 1-kilometer race after your dad ran the Black Squirrel half marathon. Then it was you who cried.
You didn’t like it and said you were never running again. I think maybe the walk-a-thon changed your mind about that.
Immediately after school on the day of your walk-a-thon, we all loaded up and headed for Bear Creek Lake State Park, where we camped before mama’s big trail race the next day. You were very excited about our new pop-up camper.
The next morning you had to get up early so we could make it to the start line on time, and you entertained daddy all day while I was running. I am told you were very good, even though it was a hot, hot, sunny, shadeless day. You cheered for me several times as I ran by.
When I finally crossed the finish line, you ran it in with me. That was the best moment of my life.
The next weekend, I felt so bad about how tired you must have gotten when you were waiting for me to run 50 miles, so we made it All About You.
I took you to a place called Cool Beans, which is a coffee shop that has an indoor play area for kids. I had a green smoothie. You had the time of your life.
Then we took you to the NoCo Mini Maker Faire, which was kind of a weird thing that I think if we go again next year, you and daddy would probably have more fun if you went without me. But they did have a life-size robotic R2D2, and that made your day.
William, we’ve all kept busy this month, but you’ve still managed to find time to play with your toys in your room.
You’ve also impressed me by showing me how well you’ve learned to read and write.
And by bringing home some of the work you’ve done at school:
We ended the month yesterday, with another trail race for mommy. That’s probably why I fell behind here and didn’t get your letter posted. This time, I only ran 50K instead of 50 miles. It didn’t take nearly as long. And the weather was cool and rainy instead of blisteringly hot and sunny. You and daddy stayed inside the car to keep warm, and you came out and cheered every time I ran through to start a new loop.
William, thanks for being the best kid on this earth.
Love always,
1 comment:
Dear William. You are THE bestest little trooper ever !!! We are soooo proud of all,you are doing and learning in school!!! 👏👍 how exciting you got to SEE. R2D2!! And also camp in the fancy pop,up,tent!! ⛺️ Not on the ground but,way up high!! 😯fun!!! We will be waiting to read about your next months adventure!! We love you and miss you! Paw paw and grama nan😘500
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